Maine school board puts teacher on leave after she traveled to Dallas

The teacher, who has not been named, attended a conference 10 miles from the hospital where Ebola patients have received care.

Liberians, librarians,

Tea-Party libertarians.

Nigerians, Iberians,

Algerians, Siberians.

Dig a moat around your palace

To keep out anyone from Dallas

And drop the iron-barred portcullis

On anyone who passed through Dulles.

The Dalles, The Dales, Fort Worth or Plano

Deal with them as viral warlocks

Dip them in a vat of Clorox

Throw their clothes in a volcano.

And, at least for the duration,

Keep them under observation

From now until the crisis ends

Lock them up and all their friends.


The only thing we have to fear

Is fear itself. So don’t go near

An African, or a Hispanic

This might cause you needless panic.

Bear in mind a random stranger

Need not pose a mortal danger

If he’s kept in quarantine

And sprayed with hexachlorophene.